Did You Cook Anything Interesting the Week of September 18, 2016?

Home Forums Cooking — (other than baking) Did You Cook Anything Interesting the Week of September 18, 2016?

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      On Sunday, I made another beef roast in the crockpot with carrots, potatoes, and mushrooms. Seasonings were the same as in a previous week, except that I added 1/4 tsp. Penzey's smoked paprika. We ate it most of the week, usually pairing it with a nice spinach salad. On Friday I again made the Dilled Salmon and Couscous. (I know--that's three weeks running.) On Saturday, I improvised dinner with noodles, the remaining beef cut into cubes, the leftover broth, some mushrooms, and frozen peas.

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        Other than making a pot of green beans with ham and potatoes, we ate mostly plain proteins. Plain means that I didn't doctor it. At the beginning of the week, I prepared vegetables to be microwaved for the meals. I thought I was doing a healthful thing, but today I realized they all had unhealthy fats.

        I added butter to the acorn squash. I browned the cut Brussel sprouts in bacon grease and braised them with the grease in the skillet. I dotted the broccoli with butter before microwaving it. I sautéed the mushrooms in butter. At least I cooked all the veggies without salt, so the only salt we ate was from the bacon.


          I mainly did the baking this week. Didn't focus too much on savory meals. One the tricks I like to do is buy the Korean Bulgogi from Costco, divide the dish into 2 separate meals and freeze. Then I take out one pack, add 1 pound of mushrooms, sliced. Stir fry everything together and serve with rice. Ate that meal for a few days as it's just my mother and I. She doesn't eat much all.

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