Daily Quiz for March 28, 2019

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  • #15304
    Mike Nolan

      Today’s topic? What spice comes from the same plant that gives us the herb cilantro

      [See the full post at: Daily Quiz for March 28, 2019]

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        I actually got this one right. Question--without revealing the answer--do people for whom cilantro tastes like soap (genetic basis) also have difficulties with this herb?

        Mike Nolan

          I wondered that as well, but didn't see anything directly answering the question when I searched.

          My wife is one of those for whom cilantro tastes like soap, I am not. Our older son apparently got my genes on that, not hers.

          The spice form (also not trying to give away the answer) is not one I use a lot, I don't know if my wife is willing to be a guinea pig for some testing.

          Mike Nolan

            BTW, while researching this question, one source said that there are 3 plants that produce both an herb and a spice. The other two might show up in a quiz question some day. 🙂


              I've been getting most of the questions right. As far as one of the other 2 plants also produce both herb and spice, I'm trying real hard not to give it away by making a joke....

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