Daily Quiz for June 21, 2020

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  • #24846
    Mike Nolan

      Teff is a grass native to what part of Africa?

      [See the full post at: Daily Quiz for June 21, 2020]

      Spread the word

        I guessed and missed.

        Has anyone here tried teff? Bob's Red Mill sells it.

        Joan Simpson

          Never heard of it,missed it.

          Mike Nolan

            Teff is used for injera, a staple of Ethiopian cooking that is kind of a sourdough spongy flatbread. Teff can be mixed with wheat, but I've read it has an effect on gluten development unless it's been heat treated. (I think it encourages too much enzyme activity.)

            I have some teff but didn't like anything I made with it, I haven't tried making injera, but I've had it at a restaurant in San Diego.


              I got it wrong. I've heard of teff, it's suppose to be real nutritious. I don't think I've ever had it.


                I missed it. I connected it to Ethiopian food, but though Ethiopia was considered "North" Africa since it isn't in the South part.

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