Daily Quiz for February 18, 2020

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  • #21425
    Mike Nolan

      True or false: Sashimi is served without rice.

      [See the full post at: Daily Quiz for February 18, 2020]

      Spread the word
      Joan Simpson

        Missed it,no idea and no intentions of finding out lol.


          I was able to guess the correct answer. Like Joan, I have no intention of gaining first hand experience with it. Smoked salmon is as far as I will go, and that is with cream cheese and a bagel....

          • This reply was modified 5 years ago by BakerAunt.

            Got it


              I didn't know what the term was so I Wiki it. It's more than just a method of serving, the fish is harvested and dispatched in a way that is supposed to keep it fresh longer. While it is interesting, I am not interested!

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