Cat update

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  • #44122
    Mike Nolan

      Jack's left eye was damaged enough that the vet is recommending it be removed, so we've scheduled that surgery for today.


      Spread the word

        Poor cat. I hope the surgery goes well. This is the feral cat that comes in your house but is rather aloof?

        Mike Nolan

          not so aloof these days, he likes to climb up on laps and often sleeps in the bed with us at night. But he was a rescue cat (not quite feral, he had an owner who moved but didn't take him with, he was living on the streets for about 8 month.)

          Maybe he'll be more of an indoors kitty now.


            Operations are tough on the animal--and tough on the animal's human guardians. I wish Jack, Mike, and Diane the best in this difficult time.


              I'm so sorry to hear about your cat Jack, Mike. I wish you, Diana, and Jack the best of everything during this difficult time of transition. For all you sakes, I hope Jack heals quickly.

              Mike Nolan

                Jack is back home. The vet tech said they took an x-ray just before discharging him to see if they could figure out what happened, and it appears he got shot with a bb gun. the bb is still in his neck area, whether or not it causes additional complications down the road remains to be seen.


                  Oh, that is horrible!


                    Oh Mike, I'm so sorry to hear about the surgery and the fact that poor Jack got hit with a bb. I hope it doesn't cause more problems for him


                      I echo BakerAunt, that is horrible! I hope all goes well.

                      Mike Nolan

                        He seems comfortable today, though not happy with having to take pills. He's eating well but may be getting tired of the food flavor he's liked most the last few weeks, so I got a few other options to try. He's wearing an e-collar for two weeks which makes it a bit more challenging to eat or drink without the cone getting in the way.

                        We talked to an Animal Control officer last night, abusing an animal falls under their jurisdiction but discharging a weapon inside city limits is a police matter, so they coordinate with each other. It is unlikely they'll have any solid leads as to who did this, but it does make me wonder whether I have neighbors I should not trust. Could be kids, which raises additional complications.

                        Reports of people shooting animals inside city limits with a bb gun are not common, thankfully.


                          We found the best way to get our dog to take pills is cream cheese (vet's suggestion).

                          Joan Simpson

                            So sorry to hear about your cat Mike. Pray that he heals quickly and no more complications..

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