Buckwheat and bee enjoying it

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  • #4109
    Mike Nolan

      Here's a shot of my buckwheat patch, which is about 12x20 feet:

      And here's a bee enjoying it:

      Spread the word
      • This topic was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Mike Nolan.

        Great pictures, Mike.

        Buckwheat and bees--what a lovely combination! Those buckwheat flowers are beautiful.

        Mike Nolan

          Yeah, they're so pretty I'm hesitant to chop them down until they've pretty much finished blooming, and the bees might not appreciate that either. There were plenty of bees for me to take a photo of today, too. We used to have a couple of French pussy willows, and when they would bloom in the spring they would attract so many bees you could hear the buzzing from a good five feet away.

          I don't know what hive they came from, I'm not aware of any of my neighbors keeping bees, but someone's getting some lovely buckwheat honey.


            Any effort that encourages honey bees is great.

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