We order breakfast pastries based on occupancy - if we do t sell out, they're awful by the end of the day. Sometimes people get upset if we don't have them, but we tell them to come earlier the next time. It's not worth it to order more than we can sell - it's better to sell out (ours are OK, but we have a friend who's a fabulous baker and you want to get to her shop early)
Last weekend we went to our favorite bakery in Portland, Maine, Scratch. Previously, we had learned that their Danish didn't arrive in their tiny store until 9:30 a.m. (We had learned the hard way!). So we arrived about 9:45 and stood in line for about 10-15 minutes to get in the door. Sold out!! Of course, we found several other items that were also outstanding, but the Danish is the best I've ever had.