Ketogenic Diets

My wife and I have been explor­ing the world of keto­genic diets, with mul­ti­ple goals in mind. One is weight loss, of course, but the oth­er is to see if this would have some impact on our Type II dia­betes. (Diane is tak­ing insulin, I am not–yet.) Heart and kid­ney issues com­pli­cate mat­ters further.

And of course, one of the things that is an absolute no-no in a keto diet is wheat flour breads.

I’m cur­rent­ly read­ing the book “The Cycli­cal Keto­genic Diet” by Robert San­tos-Prowse, a reg­is­tered dieti­cian. The cycli­cal keto diet allows a day of carb-heavy foods inter­mit­tent­ly, pos­si­bly as often as once or twice a week.

Her endocri­nol­o­gist is some­what skep­ti­cal of the claims the keto­genic diet com­mu­ni­ty makes on reduc­tion of insulin resis­tance and reduc­ing the need for med­ica­tions, but he seems to feel that as long as we mon­i­tor our­selves we should­n’t make things worse. Our oth­er med­ical providers have voiced sim­i­lar sentiments.

I’ll keep you appraised of our plans and any progress. If we get into this seri­ous­ly, I do not intend to stop bak­ing com­plete­ly, and I’m look­ing at test­ing some of the keto-friend­ly ‘bread’ recipes I’ve seen, with some exper­i­men­ta­tion of my own, though I don’t hold out a lot of hope for them tast­ing much like real bread. This might even pro­vide some impe­tus for my idea of launch­ing a sub­scrip­tion bread ser­vice, I’d be able to bake for oth­ers if only infre­quent­ly for us. 

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Published:February 6, 2024


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  • #42749

      Congrats Mike. Glad you found something that works.


        Here's a different take on Keto friendly pizza crust, Chicharrón Pizza

        Keto Friendly Pizza

        Mike Nolan

          I think I'll pass on the chicharone pizza.


            I like the fried pork skins so if I could find a Chicharrón that size I would try it. But I would build it a little different, I would lay slices of mozzarella on it first, then sauce and toppings. I want to make sure it stays crispy and crunchy.

            Joan Simpson

              Len I love pork skins but I've never seen one that big. I'd probably like it.


                Mike--I was looking at this rice/grain cooker because of the ceramic interior, but it also claims to do carb reduction if one of the inserts is used:


                While I'm not particularly interested in the carb reduction feature, I wondered if it actually works. I do not understand the science behind it.

                Mike Nolan

                  I'm guessing it essentially uses steam to cook the rice, with some of the starch dripping off into the bottom of the cooker.

                  FWIW, recently I asked Harold McGee, author of "On Food and Cooking", how much starch (aka carbs) is removed when you boil potatoes and other vegetables. He said there's not a lot of research on it, and it depends on the surface area, so the finer you cut them up, the more starch would leach out. But in general, he said it isn't much. Rice has a relatively large surface area, though.

                  This research article says on average it lowers the rice from 34 grams of carbs per 100 grams of cooked rice to 27.5 grams. Not a huge reduction, but when combined with lower-carb strains of rice it might have some benefits, maybe enough to allow some rice in a modified keto diet. Probably not good enough for someone aiming to stay under 20 carbs a day, though.

                  It isn't clear to me whether the W-S one is a 'siphon' or a 'wash down' low-carb rice cooker as described in this article, so I asked that question in the W-S questions area, I'll let you know if I get an answer.


                  Mike Nolan

                    I did get an answer from W-S on the rice cooker, but it didn't say which type of low-carb rice cooker this is, it just repeated the sales literature's description of it. (I flagged it as 'not helpful'.)

                    I'm inclined to think it must be a 'wash-down' type, which is doesn't remove quite as many carbs as a 'siphon' type.

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