It was too busy of a week. On Sunday, I made pot roast with potatoes, carrots, some red bell pepper, and a few mushrooms in the crock pot. Other than that it was leftovers and rotisserie chicken from the deli counter.
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This topic was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by BakerAunt.
I made my dad's Chop Suey and froze a pint of it. I'm experimenting to see how the water chestnuts, Brussel sprouts and mushrooms withstand freezing. I made brown rice to go with it.
I also made Carrot Soup and Slow Cooker Irish Oatmeal (Kelsey Nixon, Cooking Channel).
Cooked a big pot of Mustard Greens with pork neck bones,When neck bone meat is tender I pick the meat off and put back in greens,had potato salad and corn bread to go with it so we'll have several meals off that.Cooked a pork roast with potato and carrots-n-onions and had a couple meals off the meat with BBQ later on in the week.Nothing else much.