What are you Baking the week of January 20, 2019?

Home Forums Baking — Breads and Rolls What are you Baking the week of January 20, 2019?

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    Mike Nolan

      Here's a baking thread for the week.

      Spread the word

        I'm on vacation without my baking stuff, so I don't know that I will be doing much baking. We are across the alley from a French bakery and cafe. I tried to buy a wholegrain loaf there this morning, and the customer service gal must have been new, because when I got to the cashier, I learned it was garlic bread. I noted the basket for wholegrain was empty. I went ahead and bought it for $3.20, but I doubt my husband will eat it. I'll go earlier next time. They had been open for four hours.

        Joan Simpson

          Yesterday I mixed up more sourdough bread and added about a cup of mashed potatoes.My starter was very active this time and it rose up to the top of the bowl overnight.After kneading for 10 minutes and panned up it rose to one and a half inches over the rim of my 8x4 pan in about 3 hours or less.I tried it tonight and am happy with the taste and good texture.

          BakerAunt enjoy your vacation!

          • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Joan Simpson.

            Sunday I made my chocolate cherry scones and took it to a neighborhood party to celebrate our mailman's retirement after 20 years. There were so much cake and cookies and other nibblies that I had to beg friends to try it and took half of it home. I ate a slice for breakfast this morning and it was as good as I ever made it.
            I made chocolote- coconut -almond flour biscotti also on Sunday. These came out very well and I cut them with my best bread knife with very little crumbling. This is just like the chocolate-almond biscotti I made last week but with 1 cup of toasted coconut flakes added in.


              The days are starting to blend together in my mind but I did the KAF breakfast cookies on Sunday or Monday.
              King Arthur Flour Breakfast cookies
              I had oatmeal, coconut flakes and dried cranberries in it. This is so different from Baker Aunt's Italian cookies.
              I don't like these as much as I did the last time I made them. My tastes are changing, they are too sweet and too rich. They are filling enough for a breakfast as designed but I'd prefer a couple of muffins. I see recipes for baked oatmeal all the time. How does this work as a breakfast food -- can you eat it with your fingers?

              • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by skeptic7.

                I looked at that KAF Breakfast Cookie recipe, but even before I was watching saturated fat, I thought that the fat content is high, and it seems to me the nutritional value lower than it should be for a breakfast that gives energy.

                The Easy Italian Honey Whole Wheat Breakfast cookies are good, but they are not in themselves a breakfast. I like to have one with my coffee after a bowl of oatmeal. I also like them for afternoon tea. The graham crackers I baked fill a similar niche.

                I've looked at baked oatmeal recipes, but I have not yet found one I wanted to try.

                • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by BakerAunt.

                  I baked a double batch of raspberry quick bread -- tasty but not spectacular. I took it to a Martial arts event Sunday and brought a lot of it back -- will be eating it for breakfast and snacks for awhile.


                    I made a batch of oatmeal raisin cookies (Quaker Oats recipe), added toasted walnuts to it. Froze half of them and baked up half. Then I melted Ghirardelli bittersweet chocolate chips and dipped the cookies in it. They came out pretty good.

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