What are you Baking the Week of December 22, 2024?

Home Forums Baking — Breads and Rolls What are you Baking the Week of December 22, 2024?

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    Mike Nolan

      Christmas cookies are on the menu here but possibly not until Monday.

      Spread the word
      Joan Simpson

        I baked all day 4 coconut custard pies, three sour cream pound cakes, one lemon supreme pound cake and a carrot cake. I still have one more carrot cake to bake tomorrow. This old gal is pooped. All of this goes to friends and family.


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          I hope you sat down for a while with your feet up, Joan! That is quite the accomplishment, and I know all the recipients will be excited to receive your baking.

          Mike Nolan

            I made the detrempte for another batch of laminated dough, this one will use plant butter instead of butter, it'll be interesting to see how that affect the lamination and baking.

            Joan Simpson

              I made my neighbor a pan of cinnamon rolls and the last carrot cake for my friends.

              BakerAunt I got me some rest after all the baking


                I have a pan of Christmassy rolls with currants and orange peel and nutmeg and all spice. Most of the work was done with a stand mixer. How do other people get the fruit and peel evenly distributed? I'm not too good at this. After the second rise of the dough, I knead everything a little bit to make sure the base ingredients are well combined, than I roll or pat the dough out flat. I mix the fruit and peel together and then spread it out on the dough. Then I roll the dough up like a cinnamon roll and try to knead the fruit and peel in evenly. It never gets quite even there are always sections with more fruit but its the best I can manage. I let the dough rise again before I form it -- in this case into round rolls and bake it. I don't want to knead too much but I want to get the fruit evenly distributed.


                  Those rolls sound really good, Skeptic. And I have sampled some of your baking, so I know they are tasty!

                  I made a dozen cinnamon buns today, which I will cover with a cream cheese frosting for dinner tomorrow night.

                  Joan Simpson

                    Skeptic the rolls sound really good.


                      Skeptic--I also can never get the fruit evenly distributed after the dough has had its first rise. I often cheat and just put it in the dough when I mix it before the first rise. With the bread machine, I wait and add it when the machine beeps. That seems to do a pretty good job..

                      I agree that your rolls sound really good!

                      Mike Nolan

                        I made a dozen cinnamon croissants with half of the second batch of laminated dough, I may make plain croissants with the other half tomorrow.


                          On Christmas Eve, I baked pumpkin pecan bread. The recipe is for a 6-cup Nordic Ware pan. I used two 7 ¾ x 3 3/4-inch loaf pans. I maybe should have used three of my little loaf pans instead, as they were not as high as I would have liked. When I cracked in one egg, it had a double yolk, which sent me to Google, which was not particularly helpful, as views differed. I decided that since the yolks were a bit smaller, I would go ahead and put in another egg. I do not know if that affected the rise. One loaf went into the freezer, the other is part of a Christmas gift for a neighbor.

                          I also baked my beloved Pfeffernusse cookies. It is not Christmas for me without them, and yes, I still use the stick of butter in these. I just insist that my husband and I limit ourselves to one per day.

                          My last project of the evening was a pumpkin pie, because for my husband, it is not Christmas without a pumpkin pie.

                          Mike Nolan

                            Tonight is 'assemble the trifle' night, I made the pastry cream earlier today, made the ladyfingers the other day and the other ingredients (angel food cake, strawberry jello, fruits) need to be prepped. Cool Whip is in the fridge.

                            Mike Nolan

                              The cinnamon roll croissants came out great. I cut the triangles for the cinnamon rolls, spread a compound butter (plant butter, sugar and cinnamon) on it, then rolled them up and let them proof for 2 hours before baking.


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                              Joan Simpson

                                Mike the cinnamon croissants 🥐 look nice! I made a batch of ginger snaps for the poker ♦️ game tomorrow night.


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                                  What a wonderful dessert potluck we could all have if we lived closer to each other!

                                  I noticed last night that there was only enough bread for my husband for lunch on Thursday. As I intended to have a ham sandwich, I was able to defrost a Rye Semolina bun for me. However, I want to have a good bread for ham sandwiches, so I baked Pumpernickel Sandwich Bread, which is my version of King Arthur's Rye Sandwich Bread. I use dill pickle juice from a German brand, Hengstenberg, which I could usually find around October at Tuesday Morning or at Big Lots. I find the flavor essential for my potato salad, this bread, and my dill tartar sauce. While I am well stocked for now, with an almost full jar in the refrigerator and an unopened one in the pantry, not to mention pickle juice in a jar without any more pickles, I will have to do some internet searching when I need to re-stock.

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