Stained Glass Cookies
Submitted by Sheryle on September 10, 2004 at 10:16 am
You will need:
baked sugar cookies
1 egg white (you may use powdered egg whites - I use Just Whites)
1/2 cup sifted powdered sugar
set of paste type food colorings
dessert size plate, preferably white
In a small bowl, whisk the egg white until it is frothy, then stir in the powdered sugar. Paint the cookies with this icing glaze using a medium brush. You want a very thin but complete coat of glaze on your cookies. This will form the "ground" for the painting you will do with the food colors. Let the glaze dry completely. Prepare your "pallet". Using toothpicks, place small dabs of the different food colors around the edge of the plate.
When your glazed cookies are dry, paint them with whatever colors you want from your color pallet. Use water to thin the colors. You can mix the food colors to any shade you want in the open center section of the plate to achieve great subtlety. You can make your cookies as elaborately colored or as simple as you want.