Marliss & Scott coming to visit me!

Home Forums Member News Marliss & Scott coming to visit me!


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    Joan Simpson

      BakerAunt - Marliss , Scott and Annie Mae their dog came by my home to meet and visit for a little while on their way home from Florida. We have been friends since the Baking Circle on KAF. Boy this was a great surprise and I enjoyed it a lot!I baked pound cake and banana bread for them...yep that's what we bakers do 🙂 Here's some photos.


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      Mike Nolan

        That's great! I'm active in a couple of baking areas, but aside from when we were at the laminated dough demo in Kansas City a number of years ago, and a brief visit to KAF's test kitchen when we went through Vermont en route to Maine for a wedding, it's all been online.

        Joan Simpson

          Mike I have to thank you for this opportunity also because if it wasn't for this site I'd never met Marliss in person since KAF baking circle is no more.So thank you 🙂


            That's great, I'm glad everyone enjoyed themselves!


              That's great that the friendship has continued. Also nice to put a face to a name. BA I pictured you as Aunt Bee from Mayberry lol!

              Joan Simpson

                BakerAunt was no Aunt Bee and her and Scott was so easy to talk to I really enjoyed them!


                  I'm chiming in a little late. We arrived home to freezing temperatures on Wednesday. I was going to post on Friday, and the internet company took down our internet to work on it. We were without it until about 15 minutes ago when it was finally fixed.

                  Scott and I enjoyed our time with Joan! She sent us home with two loaves of banana bread and half a pound cake. We will finish the banana bread tonight. We each had a slice of the pound cake the next day at a rest area. (We needed it, because the traffic was surprisingly heavy all day.) After we arrived home, I sliced the rest into six pieces, wrapped each well and popped them into the freezer for emergency desserts!

                  Joan also sent a bag of treats for Annie May, who is appreciative!

                  Joan is the second member of the group that I have met in person. Joan and I calculated that we have been talking online for about ten years, first in the Baking Circle and now at Nebraska Kitchen. When Scott and I were still in Lubbock, we were able to meet Mrs. Cindy and her husband, The Saint (her name for him) when they came through on a trip to New Mexico. It is always special to meet another member!

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