Four or Six Braid Challah for the Zo by ddoug

Home Forums Recipes Four or Six Braid Challah for the Zo by ddoug

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      4 or 6 Braid Challah for the Zo
      Submitted by ddoug on October 04, 2008 at 8:38 pm

      Liquid: Mix and put in the Zo bucket:
      1 cup water
      1/3 cup oil
      1/3 cup. honey
      3 eggs (large or extra large)

      Dry: Combine and pour on top of the liquid:
      4 2/3 cup KA Bread Flour (you can substitute up to 1 c. KA White Whole Wheat Flour)
      2 tsp. salt( Mixing flour and salt does not seem to be a problem that others have found.)

      Sprinkle 2 tsp. SAF yeast atop the flour.

      Set to dough cycle. When finished, turn out onto a lightly floured board and shape.

      The four braid is really easy. Four rolled out strands of dough, are pinched together at the top.
      Always start from the right and go over, under, over.

      Repeat until you can't any more, then tuck the last bit underneath.

      The six braid took me some time but I finally got the hang of it. The directions were created by a friend, Sara Zwicker. It's the only one that ever made sense; all the one's I'd read had you number each strand, which gets crazy in about a minute.

      Here's how. Six strands pinched together, spread out in two groups of 3.

      1. Take the outside right strand over 2 to the middle empty space.

      2. Take the second strand from the left and move it to the far right. Regroup to 3 on each side

      3. Take the outside left strand over 2 to the middle empty space.

      4 Take the second strand from the right over to the far left and regroup to 3 on each side.

      REPEAT. The trick is to always have 3 strands on each side. You do get into a rhythm after a while. Of course I repeat each step out loud as I'm doing it!

      Let rise for about 1 hour. Preheat oven to 375º

      Beat an egg very well to break up the whites. Paint the loaf (loaves) several times with the egg.

      Bake for c. 1/2 hour until instant read thermometer is 195º. Let cool completely.
      Fine to freeze.

      Spread the word
      • This topic was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by BakerAunt.
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