Chickpea Cracker Recipe

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      As I was browsing the Bob's Red Mill site (still sold out of a lot of items), I looked at a blog entry and noted a recipe for Chickpea Crackers:

      These use the Italian cookie iron, so you would get nice, crisp thin crackers without the strain of rolling them out.

      I don't have a pizzella iron, but I do have an electronic Krumkake iron, which I've never used because once I had time, I had to cut butter-laden treats out of my life. I bet that it would work with these. I can't try it right now, as I don't have chickpea flour, but I thought some of the people coming to this site might be interested.

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      • This topic was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by BakerAunt.
      Mike Nolan

        We do have a pizzelle oven somewhere, I think my wife used it once. Might be interesting to try doing some flatbreads in it.


          I tried the Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free Chickpea Flour Crackers, using the electronic pizzelle maker I recently bought. Alas, the recipe was disappointing in that I was unable to get a crispy cracker that would stay crispy, even with lengthening the time. I had the iron set on almost 4, which is what I used for pizzelle. Perhaps I should have cranked it up. The flavor is good, but I wanted crackers that did not require turning on an oven.


            I tried crisping these in a 350 oven for 20 minutes. They were crisp, but when I eat them, it must be like eating foam rubber. The mouth feel is yucky. I'm going to throw the rest of them away. Even my Snackasaurus husband won't eat them.

            Mike Nolan

              I've heard chickpea flour is tricky to use.

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