Bakery — MEGA BRAN MUFFINS (a BC favorite) by dvdlee

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      Bakery -- MEGA BRAN MUFFINS (a BC favorite)
      Submitted by dvdlee on November 19, 2004 at 1:19 pm

      Bakery -- MEGA BRAN MUFFINS (a BC favorite)

      Yield 0 File under Muffins Quickbreads Scones

      I think that each muffin has around 6.5 grams of fiber (which is around 25% of the daily recommended amount of fiber). They are mildly sweet and are a little better one day after baking. They are not fluffy and light, but not too heavy -- they have a slight dome when baked. The "base" recipe if from Marion Cunningham's "The Breakfast Book", but I have made enough modifications so I don't think Ms. Cunningham would recognize the recipe!

      I have been asked about using fresh buttermilk or another dairy product instead of the buttermilk powder. After unfortunate experimentation I can say that I can only recommend using the buttermilk powder and boiling water method I give. You can use fresh buttermilk (don't boil it!) but I cannot recommend soaking the bran/buttermilk for any length of time in order to soften the bran's texture

      Do not double this recipe -- make two separate batches instead. I bake one pan at a time. The reason is that the batter rises quite a bit due to the interaction between the baking soda and the buttermilk -- and you don't want the batter to get 'flat'. All of it goes into a standard 12-muffin pan and is baked right away....

      2 1/2 cups wheat or oat bran
      1 1/4 cup* boiling water
      1/3 cup room temp water
      1 cup raisins (NOT optional)
      1 1/3 cups whole wheat flour
      4 Tablespoons buttermilk powder***
      2 teaspoons baking soda
      2 teaspoons baking powder
      2 teaspoons cake spice (or mixed spice) OR 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon allspice or ginger, 1/2 teaspoon cloves & a few gratings of nutmeg)
      1/2 teaspoon salt
      2 eggs (large)
      1/3 cup vegetable oil
      1/3 cup dark molasses or cane syrup
      1/3 cup dark honey

      *I measure 1 & 1/4 cups then boil it the microwave. After boiling its around 1 & 1/8 cups, more or less

      ****Use the amount to make 1 cup of buttermilk according to your buttermilk powder directions)

      The one 'tool' that makes this a snap is the KA Dough Whisk: It greately reduces the chance you'll overmix the batter. (Item 5568 - $10 - its worth it for LOTS of things!!!) This technique also reduces the chances of overmixing as the flour is not incorporated until the last thing.



      Preheat oven to 425F.
      In a large mixing bowl, combine boiling water and bran and stir until bran is moistened. Let sit at least 5 to 10 minutes (while you are measuring the other ingredients and preparing the pans).

      Combine room temp water and raisins and set aside.

      Mix together dry ingredients (flour, soda, baking powder, salt, buttermilk powder). Note: I usually sift everything to make sure the buttermilk powder doesn't have lumps in it. Stir or whisk to distribute all ingredients.

      In a measuring cup combine oil, molasses and honey (1/3, 1/3, 1/3). A "Wonder Cup" (KS Item #6223 is great for this.)

      Make a well in the center of the moist bran mixture. Add the oil, molasses & honey into the well. Then crack the eggs into the well, With a fork lightly whisk the eggs together. Then mix everything together until combined. Drain any excess water from soaking raisins and add to batter. Mix again.

      Make sure everything is ready before the final step: the oven is hot, your muffin pan is ready (papers in place or pan oiled), whatever you're going to use to fill the cups is handy, etc. Finally, dump all of the dry ingredients into the bowl and briefly mix together until combined.

      The batter will be fairly stiff -- you can add 1 to 2 tablespoons water if necessary (depending on your flour). IMMEDIATELY fill muffin cups to the top. After all of the cups are filled, then take the extra batter and put it in the center of the cups to create a small "dome" in the middle of the muffin cup. (These muffins rise very little and this will help give you a domed shape.) Pop in the oven and bake for around 15 - 17 minutes.

      These muffins will not be for everyone -- but if you want a "real" bran muffin with a very natural taste, you might like these.

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