I have a second crispbread recipe that I want to try. It uses olive oil rather than butter. One of the ingredients is "cloudberry salt." It took some googling, but I discovered that it is Ammonium Carbonate, or Baker's Ammonia, which is used in springerle as well as some Scandinavian cookies.
I ordered some, which arrived last week. I understand that it gives off a not so great smell during the baking, but that is not present in the baked goods which will have a wonderful lightness to them. I mentioned this fact to my husband, and he is worried that I will stink up the house, and since it is winter, we will not be able to air it out.
Has anyone worked with Baker's Ammonia? Does the smell linger or dissipate quickly? If the latter, I could bake with it while my husband is out doing something, and only the dog and I would have to endure the stench.