Lemon or Lime Curd by PaddyL

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      Lemon or lime curd
      Submitted by PaddyL on March 06, 2009 at 11:37 am

      This is from a 1998 Taunton's Fine Cooking Magazine by Elinor Klivans, and is a foolproof way to make lemon or lime curd. I've even made blood orange curd with this recipe, and it never fails.

      3 oz. (6 tbsp.) unsalted butter, softened
      1 cup sugar
      2 large eggs
      2 large egg yolks
      2/3 cup fresh lemon juice (4-5 lemons) strained
      1 tsp. lemon zest

      Cream 3 oz. butter with 1 cup sugar for about 2 minutes. Slowly add the 2 large eggs and the 2 large egg yolks. Beat for 1 minute. Mix in 2/3 cups lemon juice. It will curdle, but do not worry. Put the curdled stuff in a small heavy pot over low heat until it looks smooth, stirring often. Raise heat to low medium and cook, stirring constantly. DO NOT LET IT BOIL. This will take about 15 minutes, or until thermometer registers 170F.

      Remove from heat, stir in the zest, and put into a bowl with plastic wrap directly on the surface of the curd. Put in fridge to cool. Covered tightly, this will keep in the fridge for a week, in the freezer for 2 months.

      For lime curd, use 2/3 cup lime juice (about 8 small limes), and lime zest.

      For blood orange curd, or any orange curd, or possibly grapefruit curd, the same measurements apply.

      Submitted by buttercup on Sun, 2012-07-22 20:12.
      Paddy, I made your lemon curd last summer and loved it. I don't make it more often because of health reasons. I found myself with a bag of leftover limes so I decided instead of throwing them out I would try the lime curd. Well, I made it and put it in the refrigerator and it never did thicken up the way it should have. I'm guessing I didn't cook it long enough because there were some "white" puffs on top, after it chilled, which I guessed was butter that didn't completely dissolved. To my surprise after 4 hours in the refrigerator, I took it out, reheated it and it came out perfect. What a great recipe. I thought I would have to dump it the trash, but it came out perfect. It's the only recipe I'll every make. Thanks for posting it.

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