FrankfurterArt Chocolate Pudding
Submitted by brianjwood on September 06, 2002 at 4:58 am
FrankfurterArt Chocolate Pudding
Yield 0 File under Family / Ethnic / Regional
I hope no-ones on a diet out there! Go on - enjoy yourself!
Cheers, Brian
Frankfurt-Style Chocolate Pudding (Frankfurter Pudding)
1/4 lb(110 g) butter
2/3 cup(160 ml) sugar
5 egg yolks
3 oz(85 g) semi-sweet chocolate, melted
1 1/2 cups(375 ml) finely chopped almonds
3 Tbs(45 ml) bread crumbs
2 Tbs(30 ml) strong black coffee
1 Tbs(15 ml) rum (optional)
5 egg whites, stiffly beaten
Cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in the egg yolks one at a time. Add the chocolate, almonds, bread crumbs, coffee, and optional rum. Fold in the beaten egg whites. Butter the inside of a ring mould or Bundt pan and coat with sugar. Pour the mixture into the mould and cover with aluminium foil. Place in a large pot of water that comes 2/3 up the side of the mould and simmer for 1 to 1 1/2 hours, until the pudding is completely set. Cool for 5 minutes and invert onto a serving platter. Serve warm with whipped cream if desired. Serves 8 to 12.
Reproduced by permission of World Wide Recipes
Bon appetit from the Chef at World Wide Recipes