Did You Cook Anything Interesting the Week of June 26, 2016?

Home Forums Cooking β€” (other than baking) Did You Cook Anything Interesting the Week of June 26, 2016?

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      Cooking was not very complicated this week. On Tuesday, I made a buckwheat noodle, vegetable stir-fry using a piece of pork left over from the Sunday dinner my husband cooked. On Friday, I roasted two very large chicken breasts with potatoes and carrots, drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with poultry seasoning and rosemary.

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        Baker Aunt...can I come to your house to eat? Sounds great. I didn't cook anything special, but I did restock my sister and my niece's bread supply. Four loaves of tangzhong white bread, 4 loaves of lite WW with molasses, 4 loaves of oatmeal-molasses, and four pans of KA's version of cinnabons. And, I did this all in about 7 hours. Whew...it was very enjoyable, the weather was light and airy and everything turned out great. I have been taking care of my elderly aunt lately, so I try to spend a couple of days a week with her. She always has a few chores for me to do, but I really think she she just makes up the chore list, because we do more talking than cleaning. She is the family historian,and I love listening to all her stories about her growing up years on the farm her parents homesteaded, along with 13 other brothers and sisters, including my Dad. My grandparents immigrated here from Germany during WWI, and landed at Ellis Island. I am very proud of my heritage. I am very proud of my hard-working ancestors. All 8 of my uncles served in WWII, (my Dad also) and all returned safely. They fought so we could all be free, and live in the best country in the world. Happy 4th of July.


          Baker Aunt...can I come to your house to eat? Sounds great. I didn't cook anything special, but I did restock my sister and my niece's bread supply. Four loaves of tangzhong white bread, 4 loaves of lite WW with molasses, 4 loaves of oatmeal-molasses, and four pans of KA's version of cinnabons. And, I did this all in about 7 hours. Whew...it was very enjoyable, the weather was light and airy and everything turned out great. I have been taking care of my elderly aunt lately, so I try to spend a couple of days a week with her. She always has a few chores for me to do, but I really think she she just makes up the chore list, because we do more talking than cleaning. She is the family historian,and I love listening to all her stories about her growing up years on the farm her parents homesteaded, along with 13 other brothers and sisters, including my Dad. My grandparents immigrated here from Germany during WWI, and landed at Ellis Island. I am very proud of my heritage. I am very proud of my hard-working ancestors. All 8 of my uncles served in WWII, (my Dad also) and all returned safely. They fought so we could all be free, and live in the best country in the world. Happy 4th of July.


            Wow, Wonky! You are running a regular bakery. It's nice to have such an appreciative audience for your baking.

            Too often people do not take the time to sit and listen to the elderly relatives, and only after they pass away, do people realize what opportunities they missed to learn the family stories. You might think about doing an oral history with her--recording her stories as well as writing them down.

            • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by BakerAunt.

              I made eye of round roast, stuffed meatloaf, and beer can chicken all on the grill. I had stuffed portabella mushroom caps, corn on the cob and zucchini as sides. These are all fairly easy grilling as they do not have to be watched constantly.


                wonky, I have questions that you may have answered in the KAF site. I'm curious. How do you bake so many loaves in one day? Do you have a slew of bread pans? Or, do you bake a couple of loaves, wash the pans, then bake again?

                I'm thinking you have to be extremely organized to bake so many loaves in one 7 hour period. I don't think I could do it, and I have 2 ovens. I own only 2 bread pans. So you amaze me! And inspire me.


                  Italian Cook: I had to giggle, since when I bought my first house, one of my requirements was that it had to have an oven (or the ability for me to install one) that would bake three loaves at a time.

                  pmiker, one of our BC people, who I miss, regularly baked 4-6 loaves of bread. I was always amazed at how he got them arranged in his oven. He also has a mixer that can handle that much dough. My 7-qt Cuisinart can only handle dough for three loaves.


                    You know I was going to post because I know I made a couple of interesting things last week, but I was working all weekend and completely forgot what they were. I'll try to be better about remembering πŸ™‚


                      I actually keep a baking/cooking log on my computer. It helps me keep my own notes, and it makes it easier to post it to this site and to Zen's site.

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