Storage Container 4 Capers

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      If this post is inappropriate, Mike, delete it.

      When BakerAunt announced KitchenKrafts would close, I immediately searched the site. I found a little container that I thought would be perfect for capers. The capers I buy come in a skinny 3 oz. bottle. The opening is too small for a spoon. I always struggle removing them when I don't need the whole bottle. I've tried using a table knife, but some capers always fall off the knife. So when I saw the Progressive Micro Deli Prokeeper, I thought it'd be perfect for caper storage. It wasn't on sale, so I didn't buy right away. When I finally decided to pay full price, I couldn't find it on the KitchenKrafts website.

      I found it at Amazon. Purchased it, and it's perfect for capers. Now, I can put some in a spoon, drain the brine on the edge of the container and go about my cooking without fussing over the caper bottle. Admittedly, I haven't had this long enough to know how it holds up over time, but here's the link:
      For reasons I don't understand, the reviews I read there were about a bread keeper and not this product.

      Spread the word
      • This topic was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Italiancook.

        In that item there are links for 9 other storage items by that company, berry, bread, deli etc. If you roll your mouse over those links you will see the other items. In cases like this Amazon will lump all the reviews together but if you look beneath the date of the review, it will say which item that review is for. If you click "see all reviews" there are some filters and you can choose to see only reviews for that item, which is the Micro Deli keeper. I clicked on it and found only one lonely review for it out over over 600 reviews for all the items. But it did receive 5 stars.

        Mike Nolan

          I use demitasse spoons to get things like olives and capers out of narrow jars.

          Mike Nolan

            You have to be careful with Amazon reviews these days, some sources say as many as half of them are fake. And apparently this works both ways, companies posting fake positive reviews and competitors posting fake negative ones.


              Italian Cook--Isn't it wonderful when you find an item that makes your life easier? πŸ™‚

              My husband has never grasped that one reason I like T.J. Maxx--even when I don't have specific items in mind, is that I will sometimes see an item and realize just how well it will work for solving a problem in the kitchen or home.

              • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by BakerAunt.

                Thanks, RiversideLen, for explaining to me how the site works! Mike,, we have espresso spoons, and it never occurred to me to try one with the capers. BakerAunt, I agree with you about TJ Maxx. I found my first LeCreuset dutch oven there for a pittance. Didn't know I needed one until I saw it, but I use it on a regular basis to make soup.

                Mike Nolan

                  I like hitting kitchen stores and restaurant supply stores for the same reason. The only restaurant supply store with a public showroom in Lincoln has closed the showroom, though they still service restaurants out of their Omaha office.


                    I don't miss a lot about my former home in Texas, but I miss the easy access to T.J. Maxx and Tuesday Morning. I also miss the "open to the public" restaurant store. I'm not sure what I will do when my roll of wide saran wrap runs out, since shipping is too expensive from the restaurant stores online that carry it. I've told my husband that we need to find such a store when we are traveling!

                    Mike Nolan

                      Sams Club has 18" wide food service wrap, Costco might have it as well, and it's available on Amazon for around $25 including shipping.

                      Gordon Food Services has 3 locations in Indianapolis and is open to the public.

                      I'm going to miss having a restaurant supply showroom in Lincoln, Restaurant Depot in Omaha is members-only and you have to have a food service tax permit to become a member. I might be able to order through Sysco (my former neighbor manages their Lincoln office), but they don't have a showroom. A friend of ours is talking about opening up a food truck for barbecue and I may be helping him develop some recipes (like cornbread), so that might give me some other options.


                        Thanks, Mike. I think there is a Gordon's Food Service in South Bend, as well as one in Kokomo. I've never had a Sam's or Costco membership because I'm not sure that I would use it enough to justify the cost, although there is a Sam's in South Bend. A friend has a Costco membership, so I might be able to ask her to pick it up for me.

                        Mike Nolan

                          We have both these days, though we probably use the Sams one more, and I think their prices are, on average, slightly less. But the Costco is much closer. The Sams on this side of town has products the one on the north side doesn't have and vice-versa. Recently I went to the north one to get two five-pound bags of mozzarella cheese, which the south store has stopped carrying again.

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