Fox kits

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    Mike Nolan

      This morning there were two young fox kits (cubs, pups, all 3 terms are used) on the back patio, probably around 5 months old. One jumped up on the ledge where a squirrel was eating peanuts and the squirrel was not amused.

      So now we're sure that the fox pair we've been seeing all year are raising young nearby.

      Spread the word
      Joan Simpson

        They are so cute.My sister in law had one from a baby that was given to her from a zoo.It was raised in the house and would use a litter box like a cat.This was back in the 60's.She said it would ride in the car on the back seat under the glass and people thought it was fake.It eventually would go off and return then one day it was gone for good.
        Several years ago she found another one and called a vet about getting shots , they told her to call Fish and game and they came to get it.My husband walked down to her house when they came and as the guy had the fox in a cage my husband said did you tell him about the alligator? That warden whirled around and said you got a gator too? We all got a good laugh, the game warden didn't think it was funny πŸ™‚ And yes they found a baby gator when they were kids with their Granddaddy it had 3 legs and they brought it home and put it in their bath tub , when my husbands mother got home from work and saw the baby gator she had a fit and it went back to the pond.


          Great stories, Joan!

          Mike Nolan

            I had an interesting assortment of animals when I was young. I once found 9 frogs that had fallen through the sidewalk grate at the bank, and they let me go downstairs and gather them in a box. So, what do you do with 9 frogs? I put them in the bathtub, of course.

            My mother comes home from work, goes into the bathroom, sits down, and there's this leopard frog sitting on the corner of the tub, a foot away, staring at her.


            Michael! There's a frog in the bathtub!

            No, there are nine of them.

            (Notice, though, that she knew which one of us kids to blame!)

            Then there was the time someone found a mud puppy (look it up) and it lived in the bathtub for a few days.

            And someone I knew had found a crow who got injured and could no longer fly. It lived in our back yard for the rest of the summer but didn't survive the winter. Our momma cat and the crow didn't get along, but neither intimidated the other much. She'd try to sneak up behind him, and he'd turn, spread his wings out 3-4 feet wide and they'd have a standoff for a minute or two.

            Mike Nolan

              We saw one of the fox kits again this evening. Diane took the cat food that we had put out for Jack in the house and put it on the back patio yesterday, this morning the bowl was empty, so we put out some more, and the kit was munching on it, even though it's right beside the patio door. Brave little fox!

              Joan Simpson

                I love your stories too Mike!And yes the little fox are brave!


                  We are familiar with mud puppies and occasionally see them in the lake.

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